Tribute To The Wives Of Truckers


This tribute to the wives of truckers is way overdue for all the ladies that has been holding it down for my fellow drivers out on the road making it happen.

We know you are at home making it happen as well. You have just as much responsibility if not more as the drivers over the road.
You may sometimes feel like drivers (and everybody else really)are clueless as to what challenges you face holding down the fort alone at home.

Well guess what, they might not show it but we all know it.

Believe it or not, I hear many of your husbands and boyfriends almost at least once a week on the cb radio, bragging about how fortunate they are to have ended up with you!

Lol, often it's combined with, "I don't know what she see's in me, but I sure am glad she see's it,I couldn't ask for a better woman."

YEP, you got him? And you would think that would be enough talk about it, but noo the drivers just go on and on about how lucky they are to have you.

They cite your cooking, your excitement when they get back home and even how you will let them enjoy the game on Sunday even though you been gone all week. (Don't worry, I get on them about getting carried away with the television when they get home)

In any case believe it or not judging by their bragging you are really holding it down as a trucker's wife and an overall good companion in your husband's eyes.

I don't know if they tell you when they get home, so I will tell you right here right now . . .

You are sooooo appreciated for all that you do. You may not always hear what you deserve to hear from the men. You may not even be treated like you should be sometimes on the return of some awful trips over the road.

But I want you to always know . . .

On Behalf Of All Of The Truckers

Especially the husbands and boyfriends . . .

You Are Loved and Appreciated!

So keep being that beautiful, caring, understanding companion that you are to those guys. You are responsible for some of the most pleasant CB chatter. You give them something more to talk about than all of what's wrong in the world. A break from the bear report or crooked broker or the sneaky dot.

You are responsible for a lot of drive that keeps these guys coming back for more of those rough days on the highway. I've heard them say that. I have even heard them say that if you wanted them to come off the road they would (bet you didn't know that) but they are glad you are understanding enough not to ask them to. (Now you know they must really love and appreciate you to say that!)

So Once Again, On Behalf of ALL of The Drivers . . .

(Not just your husbands)

We Love And Appreciate YOU!

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Trucker Wives