
by Barb
(Louisville KY)

My hubby has been driving now for almost a year. It has been a huge transition. I have 2 teenagers at home so I am unable to go on the road with him, although I would love to!

We relocated 3000 miles for a job transfer, and left all our family and friends behind. A month after his transfer, hubby was laid off from his job. After almost a year of job seeking, he entered the trucking industry. He loves it, and I am proud of him for stepping up and doing what it takes to provide for his family.

Is it easy? NO! But after almost 20 years of marriage for better or for worse, I have learned to roll with the punches. I am proud of my husband, and love him very much.

Keep on truckin Baby, and I will be right here waiting for you.

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Mar 08, 2014
what would you do NEW
by: dianna

my boyfriend and i did long haul and then we got into local. i miss long haul.heath wise not so good,but i miss the sites and things we did on the boyfriend is 59. i would like to go back to long haul.all children are gone.

Oct 14, 2010
by: American Trucker

Its always awesome to see true family support.
This is what a driver needs.
american trucker

thanks hervy

Oct 13, 2010
Proud Truckers Wife
by: Hervy

Good for you Barb.

I am happy for you and your trucking hubby. Seems you 2 are a good match. I hope to see many more stable trucking relationships.

Nice post.

American T. Nice poem man.

Oct 10, 2010
by: American Trucker

This is something i wrote my wife she's a proud trucker wife as well.
To my Wonderful Wife Lynda.
I'll be home soon...

The trailer is hooked
the engine is warm
my pre trip is done
and it's time to move on
As I sit and idle
there's one thing more
I need to do
before I close the door
I pick up my phone
and make the call
ring... ring...
Hello there doll
I just wanted to say
I'm ready to go
I miss you already
and still two weeks to go
Until I see you again
and hold you tight
it's so hard to leave
it takes all my might
To walk out the door
and look back at you
Waving and smiling
but what can I do?
I worry so much
when I am away
so much can happen
I sit and I pray
Lord, keep me safe
as I drive down the road
so I can get back
and finally unload

Hop in the car
drive home to my gal
to hug her and kiss her
this separation is hell
I tell her it's late
it's time to go
I love you baby
I'll call you tomorrow
I pull the door closed
fight back a tear
she's such a strong woman
to not have me near
As I pull out
in the light of the moon
I say to myself
I'll be home soon...

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