
by Kathy

My name's Kathy my hubby is a 48 states trucker and i kind of knew a little of what i was getting into, but the first few months were so hard! we have been together almost 2 years now, and he was trucking way before we met!

But he is 25 and i am 22 and although we have no kids yet, it's still hard to just be here without him. i have tons of friends who are army wives, and they're always saying oh no one knows what we're going through. it's tough because they tell me stories or what they're going through, and although we may not know too much about that, it's kinda like we have a small taste of that!

i mean our men are also gone for a period of time and drive though terrible weather and we worry but there's hope and there's faith that they will return safely to us!

the first day that my love leaves, i cry. i just miss him too much and i know he'll be gone for awhile. i know that it makes things worse to cry in front of him, so i wait until he is gone. i finally admitted this to him, and he was in shock lol he didn't know that i missed him so much but i try to make things easier by leaving the minor bad things for when he gets home.

i have been out otr with him maybe twice and i loved it! when we first met, he asked if i had ever been out of texas (where we live) and i said no... so, he asked if i'd like to go with him? of course i said yes lol so i went out and saw so many new states it was so awesome! Lol

well i just wanna say that i hope all you other trucker wives continue to stay strong for your loves and keep them in your prayers!

my hubby knows im always praying for him (: well, God bless!

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Oct 26, 2013
Be flexible NEW
by: Mel

I used to cry too. It gets easier as time goes by. After awhile you get into a routine. When he's home, you get into another routine. After 25 years, it's just a fact of life. It gets easier to change from one routine to another. I miss him but I know he'll be back. Thanks to cll phones and blue tooths it's easier to stay connected. I notice its been awhile since you made this posting. I hope you are learning to cope and things are a little easier for you now.

May 17, 2012
Nice to meet you! NEW
by: Lindsey

Hey!!! Was just reading your profile. My husband and I also have no kids yet. I ride on the truck with him also. I seen you have done that a few times and loved it. I must say I enjoy being out hear with him. You get to see lots of interesting places and things lol talk soon.

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