Angie b/k/a Ang

by Angie

I am a newbie, my husband Med has been a OTR trucker for 5 months. Let me tell u, I knew this was going to be hard but I had no idea!

The emotions are I have have been totally unexpected. I love n miss my husband something terrible! I try not to let him know so he can keep a clear mind out there. But I must say that due to his new profession our relationship has gotten stronger.

We apreciate each other so much now. I am happy to have found this website maybe now I wont feel so lonely. :)

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Mar 10, 2011
Can be rough
by: Carrie

Life as a trucker wife is hard. My hubby just recently went from being home 2-4 days a month, to being home every weekend now. Even with that, I still at times, struggle with the feeling of "he just got here and now he's being ripped away from me AGAIN".
Being a trucker myself (I'm home daily) I uderstand where he's comming from with "duty calls" and how trucking is in his blood. Trucking isn't just a job, it's a way of life.
We have a very strong relationship. We keep it that way by awesome communication, compassion, and doing little things for eachother. He'll send me pics of what he's seeing at the time, I'll send him pics of home. AND every once in a while I'll slip a little love note into his duffle bag, to be seen when he discovers it while on the road.

Feb 28, 2011
I hear ya
by: Anonymous

I understand what you mean. I knew it'd be tough, but I figured the year we did of him going to school after working and commuting, so he'd be home only about 8 hours a night would prepare us. NO! He's gone so much and home for only a couple days. So hard when he's your best friend too.

I've found getting him a good phone with good coverage helped, so we can talk every night and if we just want to chat we can. I keep myself on a routine and have been really working on some personal goals I'd put off. I've also dug out some hobbies I've put on the back burner.

I hope it gets better for you soon.

Feb 25, 2011
by: american trucker

Were happy to have you here.hope all goes well.
american trucker

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