mary pat

by mary pat
(sonoma, california)

I am 50 and my husband is 60. He is a OTR trucker which means he gets home about 4-6 days a month in this economy.

I buy houses, fix em and flip em. This is our second marriage and we've been together 6 years. I am raising a 14 yr old son and my 17 yr old daughter goes off to college in Oregon in 30 days!

I am finding that the life of being a trucker's wife serves me much better than my husband. I love the autonomy of making all home & hearth decisions and looking forward to him coming home. I think it's like being on a perpetual honeymoon as I never get tired of him and I am always looking forward to making love, going on walks, to the movies etc. and I enjoy cooking, baking and washing his clothes.

Nothing seems like a chore when doing things for him because he is out there busting his ass , alone for so much of the time. I keep in shape, don't spend money unless I have too and keep the children on the right path with discipline and love so he doesn't come home to wreckage and problems.

count your blessings ladies having a trucker husband has it's benefits!

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