Where Can I Park My Truck

Finding truck parking can be challenging while over the road.  Especially in heavy trucking lanes. (Think I 40, I 20, I 85, I 95 etc.) It can also be challenging for some truckers who need somewhere to park the truck when at home.

We will cover some ideas and insights about where to park your truck when at home or away.  Also we will talk about parking strategically for trucking success.  (Read:  Helps You Make more money)

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Trucker Parking Topics Covered

  • Where to Park at Home
  • Parking at the Shipper
  • Parking at the Truckstop
  • Parking at Walmart
  • Parking on the Ramp
  • Finding Somewhere to Park at Home
  • Tips About Parking
  • Emergency Parking

Where to Park When Home

Parking for trucks at home can be an issue for some drivers due to space, HOA's, city ordinances, etc.  In many cases you can park your trailer at the nearest grocery store, strip mall or shopping center.  If it's a good secure area you can then bobtail home.  Or leave the tractor and have someone to pick you up. 

I have gotten great success with asking permission to do this.

If you don't have to ask permission.  You might still be able to park however, it likely is not as secure.  DO NOT park a loaded trailer there!

You have to make sure the company is OK with where you park the truck.  Especially if it is loaded.  Otherwise, if there is a break-in or theft, you could be liable.  Out of money and fired.

Ask the manager for permission and in many cases, unless they have already had bad experiences with a non appreciative truck driver will say yes.  So when he/she does yes to parking your truck on the lot, don't abuse it. 

Ask where to park and DO NOT throw your trash out on the ground.

If those options don't work for truck parking, pay attention as you ride around.  There are many places that you probably didn't notice before where trucks are already parking or could park.

Look for extra space on lots and ask if you can park there for weekends or the days you need.  You might have to pay sometimes.  If you don't find space at service stations or strip malls take a look around industrial areas. 

I pay to park at a Diesel Mechanic's shop.

Overnight Parking at the Shipper or Receiver

Sometimes it is beneficial to park at the shipper or receiver for your break instead of looking for a truck stop.  It can really help on your elogs if you are there on the property and don't have to drive in the morning. 

Especially if you can park at the dock.  You might want to call in advance to see if you can park there and if so can you park at the dock door.

You always want to leave a little early to head to your destination.  However, don't leave too early because if you have hours to wait after arrival for your appointment time, it will only eat up your clock.  

Also if you arrive at the shipper/receiver to park overnight and they turn you around, that's wasted time on your clock.

Call to see if they will load or unload you early.  If not, then see if you can park there overnight or until your appointment time.  This will allow you to be fresh after getting loaded/unloaded.  

Some strategies that I used for truck parking and other ideas are listed below the video.  Remember instructions from your dispatcher or trucking company takes precedence over anything you get from this website, lol.

Frequently Asked Questions About Truck Parking

Truck Parking Tips

Always get out to look at the space you're backing in at night.  There could be a car in there, giant mud holes or even trash.   Especially if it's the only spot on the yard.  There could be a reason for that. 

  • Get a truck stop directory
  • Leave early 
  • Plan Ahead
  • Target your stops for a less congested area
  • Ask the shipper or receiver where the closest safe truck parking is
  • Ask other drivers if they know of other parking for trucks
  • Ask permission from business owners
  • Ask the local authorities is there truck parking
  • When you park in a car parking lot, make sure you are positioned in a way that you can not be blocked in or can't get turned around once cars are in the parking lot.

Parking Over The Road

Parking over the road can get tricky.  Sometimes you end up at a shipper too late to deliver or with no time to run after getting delivered.  Not all shippers/receivers will let you stay on the property.  You can now go on Personal Conveyance to go to the nearest safe parking location.

The best thing to do is ask the people at the company where the closest truck parking.  They usually know.  Other times of course it's after hours and no one is there. 

Find a local Walmart, Grocery Store, Hardware Store etc.  Go to the back and ask if you can park there or if they know where there is truck parking. 

Google truck parking near me.  If nothing shows up Google Grocery Stores near me.  Go there and buy some stuff that you need and ask the manager if you can park until early morning.

Emergency Parking When Tired

It never fails....you decide you want to make it 50 more miles to get out of the city so you won't have to deal with run hour in the morning.  By the time you get the next truck stop out of town, you are exhausted and you can't wait to get parked.

You go over the truck stop only to find out that there are no spaces.  Everyone must of had the same idea.  You saw a truck parked on the ramp on the way and you go to do the same thing at the get on ramp.

You get there to find a sign that says no parking on the ramp.  What do you do?  Well, you will see many trucks parked at these signs.  Sometimes they get wakened up and told to move, sometimes they get ticketed and sometimes they are not bothered.  These days there are bothered much less since ELD mandate.

Remember you can put the ELD to personal conveyance to find the next closest safe place to park.   Of course this is allowed by the DOT but companies could have their own rules about when to use Personal Conveyance and how far you can drive.

When I pull into  a truck stop and find there are no spaces, the first thing I do is go inside if there is somewhere you can park because there are no spaces.  You will be surprised how often they will create/find a space that you can park over night.   If not ask them if they know the closest place to park.

(Keep in mind though, if you get hit, it might come back that you were not in a authorized parking spot if you don't park in a good location, which means you will be at fault in some cases)

Even if you have to leave the truck stop this will help you wake up enough to get to the next truck parking area.  Especially if you do a few pushups or jumping jacks before getting back in the truck.  

Parking at Walmart

I have seen several videos of people saying they can't park at Walmart.  I have never been to a Walmart that I couldn't park at to shop or stay over night.  I have seen signs but I haven't been told I couldn't park and I always ask.  That said, I've seen an article where the truck was booted but that was because

The no entry here or no trucks signs are usually to let trucks know that is not the delivery entrance.  Go in at delivery truck entrance and park out of the way and outside of the firelane marking.

Other times they don't want truck coming in the main parking lot.  Just go around to the delivery entrance.  You might get in and see a sign that says no truck parking in the parking lot.  Go in and ask the manager if it is OK.

If you want to park overnight, let them know that you will be shopping and afterwards you want to stay over night.  I have never been told no.

DO NOT throw your trash, buts, piss jugs on the ground where you park.


Can I park on the ramp?

More and more states are putting signs up on the ramp.  However, it seems they are not enforcing it as much as they used to since ELD. If you are unsure about parking on the ramp in a specific area, I would call the Highway Patrol and/or DOT and ask is it authorized for trucks to park on the ramp and get his/her name.

In addition to authorities to keep in mind that some ramps could be dangerous because there is limited view from others late night or it could be soft.  Also be careful in isolated areas where you are all alone.

Also, your company may have policy about trucks parking on the ramp.

Can I park on the street in front of my house?

Check with your city ordinance.  Also you need to be sure that there is clearance from wires, tree limbs, curbs and cars parked.

Also, you company policy might have instructions.

What if there is no where for me to park the truck at home?

Ask permission at your nearest department store, vacant lot owner, strip mall, etc.

Check your company policy.

Is parking at places other than truck stops safe?

You have to use common sense and be observant.  If it is a secluded place with no traffic obviously it's riskier.  If it is in an areas of high traffic 24 hours is more safe.  There are no guarantees even in a truck stop.  However, I have parked in all types of places with out incident over a 13 year period.

Is parking at the truck stop safe?

No place is 100% safe.  However, the truck stop is the next safest place to park after most trucking company own terminals.  Incidents happen but not as often as you might think based on reading a few stories that might be publicized.  Remember that media presents things in a dramatic fashion in order to maintain your interest. 

(They might report a true story but present it in a way that causes you to believe it happens every day at all truck stops or something...same as with may other types of stories)

What's the best way to avoid truck parking problems?

Get a truck stop directory. Plan out your trip.  Leave early.

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