Is Trucking a Good Career in 2024

A career in trucking can be both rewarding and challenging. Truck drivers play a vital role in the transportation industry, delivering goods and keeping supply chains running smoothly. And life as a trucker can be exciting and financially rewarding! Bureau of Labor statistics expects the industry to grow 4% between 2022 and 2032 need 240,000 truckers 

If you're considering a trucking career, it's important to understand the benefits and potential drawbacks of this profession. In this article, we'll explore 15 reasons why trucking makes a great career, highlighting the advantages and opportunities it offers.

We'll also discuss 10 reasons why trucking life may not be a suitable career choice for everyone.

By examining both aspects, you can make an informed decision about pursuing a career in trucking.

15 Reasons Why Trucking
Makes a Great Career

  1. Job Stability: Trucking is an essential industry, ensuring steady demand for truck drivers who help transport goods across the country [1]. Not only that, you can live just about anywhere and have a truck driving job.
  2. Travel Opportunities: Truck drivers get to explore different places while on the job, providing a sense of adventure and the chance to see new locations [1][2].
  3. Independence: Truck drivers often have the freedom to shape their own careers, choose schedules, and, in some cases, become owner-operators [3].
  4. Competitive Compensation: Truck driving can offer a well-paying job, especially for those without a college degree. The national average salary for truck drivers is $67,457 per year [2].  And you can manipulate how much you're paid by specializing.  For example oil fields, heavy hauling, and some cattle haulers pay more.  Dallas Tx is a great place for truckers in particular because you have a choice of all of these trucking career paths. 
  5. Flexibility: Some trucking companies offer flexible schedules and the ability to choose routes, allowing drivers to balance work and personal life commitments [1].  
  6. Job Growth: The trucking industry is expected to see continued growth, creating a demand for skilled drivers to meet transportation needs [3].  
  7. Variety of Routes: Truck drivers can experience diverse landscapes and locations, from rural areas to bustling cities, making each day on the road unique [2].  No more boring warehouses or dealing with rude customers demanding your attention or stuffy offices.
  8. Training Opportunities: Many trucking companies provide training programs for aspiring drivers, making it accessible for individuals without prior experience [1].
  9. High Demand: The trucking industry faces a shortage of qualified drivers, creating job security and potential opportunities for career advancement [3].
  10. Independence on the Road: While driving, truck drivers have the opportunity to enjoy solitude and independence, with limited direct supervision [3].
  11. Benefits and Bonuses: Many trucking companies offer benefits such as healthcare, retirement plans, and bonuses for safe driving or completing certain tasks [2].
  12. Career Advancement: Experienced truck drivers can pursue additional training and certifications to progress into roles like trucking instructors or even management positions [2].  You can also buy a truck and start your own business and become an owner operator as a truck driver.  You can then grow the trucking company as large as you want. JB Hunt started with 1 truck!
  13. Job Satisfaction: For individuals who enjoy driving, the trucking profession can provide a sense of fulfillment and pride in delivering essential goods to communities [3].
  14. Networking Opportunities: Truck drivers interact with people from different backgrounds, including fellow drivers, transportation professionals, and customers, fostering connections and expanding their professional network [3].
  15. Constant Learning: Trucking involves staying updated on regulations, road conditions, and industry trends, allowing drivers to continue learning and developing their skills [1].  What I like most about trucking is that you spend hours behind the wheel driving.  You can use this time to listen to podcasts about important subject matters that help you improve your health, mindset, wealth and relationships!

10 Reasons Why Trucking May Not Make a Good Career for Everyone:

  1. Lifestyle Challenges: The nature of trucking often requires long hours away from home and loved ones, which can be challenging for individuals seeking a more traditional work-life balance.
  2. Physical Demands: Trucking involves sitting for extended periods and can lead to health issues like back pain, obesity, and sleep disorders. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can be challenging on the road.
  3. Work-Related Stress: Truck drivers face pressure to meet delivery deadlines, navigate traffic, and deal with unpredictable weather conditions, leading to stress and mental fatigue.
  4. Isolation: Extended periods of solitude and limited social interaction can be emotionally challenging for some individuals.
  5. Safety Risks: The nature of trucking involves risks associated with accidents, unpredictable road conditions, and exposure to hazards during loading and unloading.
  6. Irregular Sleep Patterns: Truck drivers often work irregular schedules, which can disrupt sleep patterns and contribute to fatigue.
  7. Limited Personal Time: The demands of trucking can leave little time for personal pursuits or hobbies outside of work.
  8. Limited Career Growth: While some opportunities for advancement exist, the career progression in trucking may not be as extensive as in other industries.  (That's all in perspective, if you believe that, it will be your reality.  Read this page)
  9. Licensing Requirements: Obtaining and maintaining a commercial driver's license (CDL) requires time, effort, and ongoing adherence to strict regulations.
  10. Technological Advances: Automation and advancements in self-driving vehicles may impact future job prospects and potentially reduce the demand for truck drivers.  This is 10 plus years down the road.  Not all truckers will ever be replaced.  Do your job well and you will be around for 30 years.

Conclusion: Trucking offers numerous benefits, including job stability, travel opportunities, competitive compensation, and flexibility. It can be a fulfilling career for those who enjoy the open road and independence. However, trucking may not be suitable for everyone due to lifestyle challenges, physical demands, work-related stress, and limited career growth. It's essential to carefully consider both the advantages and disadvantages of becoming a trucker before pursuing a career in trucking.  

By doing so, you can make an informed decision and determine if trucking aligns with your personal and professional goals.


  1. 14 Reasons To Become a Truck Driver (Including Tips) - Indeed. Link
  2. 11 Valuable Benefits of a Truck Driver Career | [Link](
  3. Advantages and disadvantages of Becoming a Trucker |

CDL Training Options

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