Updated Regulations in 2016

CSA 2010 information is still located on this page under the current regs and updates.  However, this video covers major changes since then as of 2016.  Lots of rules affects shippers, brokers, companies and drivers.

Overview of CSA Update Published 2013

What is CSA 2010?

Comprehensive Safety Analysis - FMCSA's attempt at increasing commercial vehicle safety by introducing new enforcement of laws and regulation compliance and allowing FMCSA and State partners to contact and address safety issues with carriers before accidents occur. They are trying to be proactive. May work as long as there is not abuse of authority and malicious obedience.

details about what CSA 2010 from the feds
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CSA 2010 started a new reality in trucking

As with any dramatic change, CSA 2010 has cause a lot of uneasiness for many. There is good reason because big change has consequences. Best to be proactive in how to deal with the new reality than crossing finger and hoping you don't become a victim of new CSA 2010 changes. Here are some information videos and links to official sites with details and tips.

CSA 2010 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS) by Drivers

Go here to check company safety information
Analysis and Information

Updating MCS 150 Form
CSA 2010 Regulations Top

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