Maine Trucking

Miane D.O.T. 511 Road Conditions Map
Maine Trucking Association

Maine trucking companies may hire drivers to haul a variety of freight. Maine has a strong agricultural economy which includes dairy, poultry, eggs and cattle and the largest blueberry production in the world. it also include maple syrup, maple sugar and potatoes. According to Wiki Commercial fishing is as big as it once was there but is still a heavy contributor to the economy. A lot of bottle water is from Maine as well as paper products, electronic equipment, textile, bio-technology and wood products. Strong, Maine has the largest tooth pick manufacturing in the US. Doing 20,000,000 toothpicks a day. I wonder how heavy those loads are?

Local Main CDL Training and Trucking Jobs

Search below for CDL training or trucking jobs.  You will find the closet CDL training for where you live in Maine. 

If you stay in

  • Biddeford
  • Brewer
  • Houlton
  • Norway
  • Presque Isle
  • Rockland
  • Skowhegan
  • Westbrook

Maine Trucking Resources

For more Maine trucking resources do a search on line if you don't see what you need on this page. Maine is a beautiful place with a lot to offer whether you are a tourist, citizen or a trucker hauling freight. Find the information you need.

Maine Trucking

Types of Trucking Jobs
Advantages and Disadvantages of Becoming a Truck Driver

Commercial Driver Local Resources

Please post your trucker friendly local resource. Start with the City.

In the descriptions list the name, address and relevant information.


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