Massachusetts Trucking

Mass DOT current roadway construction map
Massachusetts Trucking Association

Massachusetts Trucking Companies are hiring local drivers to deliver fruits, trees, nuts, berries and livestock regionally or across the country. Mass is the number 2 producer of cranberries in the country,(Wisconsin is number 1). The states unemployment is at 7.4%. They may no be a leader in higher education and health care technology but they were once a leader in manufacturing so despite the evolution of times there is also a need for truckers to haul a variety of other freight too.

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Local Trucking Jobs or CDL Training

Find local CDL training or trucking jobs by searching below.  There is training all over Mass including but not limited to...

  • Avon
  • Chicopee
  • Haverhill
  • Methuen
  • New Bedford
  • North Andover
  • Springfield

So use your location plus CDL training or trucking job.  The closet to your location will show up.

Boston Mass

Massachusetts Trucking Resources

Looking for useful Massachusetts trucking resources? If you don't see what you want on this page, check back latter for more information as we continue to add and update. For immediate information to more do a search online for what you are looking for. For general trucking questions go to the askatrucker page.

If you have a must see or must do place to visit in Massachusetts or a business that truckers should check out in Mass, please list it below.

Massachusetts Trucking
Types of Trucking Jobs

Commercial Driver Local Resources

Please post your trucker friendly local resource. Start with the City.

In the descriptions list the name, address and relevant information.


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Tips For New Drivers

Types of Trucking Jobs

Popular Pages

CDL Training


The best route to your CDL depends on your situation.

If there is a community college near you, it may be your best choice.

However, there are many good private schools programs too. Some people will have no choice but attending trucking company training and many of those are good too. Some questions to ask...

  • How long will you have to drive for them to pay off the training?
  • What is the penalty for breaking contract? (If possible, don't break the contract.)
  • How many hours behind the wheel drive time
  • What expenses are you responsible for during training?
  • How much is pay after getting your CDL? Some pay is a set amount and some pay mileage. You just need to know what to expect.

    I just think it is important because most drivers assume they will be getting a regular trucker's salary. Often not true.

Types of Trucking Jobs

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