Take Someone With You On The Road

Can you take someone with you over the road in the truck?  Yes.  Can you ride in the truck without CDL?  Yes.  Co you have to me married to the driver to ride? No

If you are at the right trucking company those are the answers to the questions.

At most trucking companies you can take someone with you on the road. What you need to do is find out whether the company that you are interested in allows it

The question to ask the trucking company that you are interested in is, "What is your rider policy?" or "Do you have a rider program?" 

Then ask him/her, what the the requirements or restrictions are for the rider policy or program.

He/she will either tell you or tell you where to read the information for the rider policy so that you can read it yourself.

The rider policy/program will give you the rules and terms for that company about taking family and/or friends with you over the road. Here are a few topics that may be covered to determine whether someone can ride.

Rider policy considerations...

(Qualifying parameters)

  • Age restrictions
  • Relationship to you
  • Length of time allowed
  • Insurance requirements
  • Waivers needed
  • Health requirements
Take your spouse with you on the road.  heal a lonely heart.

That is just an example of what might be covered in the rider policy of the company that you are interested in.  You are going to need to make sure to take some things with you on the road.  Find them here.

What to take with you on the road

New Driver Tips

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