How do you find an opportunity to be an authorized passenger

(St Paul, Minnesota, USA)

I had the good fortune of replying to an ad on Craigslist and was an authorized passenger for a long haul trip.

The driver was just looking for conversation to keep alert during the long trip as he typically had a set daytime route.

It was my first time in a semi and I learned a lot. It’s very different than the general public’s idea of trucking.

I did not realize the legalities and difficulties of having a passenger in the cab until I started looking to get a ride back home.

As my initial ride I sent copies of my ID. The driver did say that rules have changed so when transporting a person the DOT had to have the proper paperwork. Which does make sense considering the human trafficking issues in the industry.

Any suggestions on where I can find another adventurous spirit that can legally have someone ride with them?

I did post on Craigslist but I am only receiving trade requests and i’m Not looking for sexual contact. I’ve used the couch surfers website and met some very interesting people.

I realize there are some dangers associated with getting in the cab of a strangers vehicle but we are doing it all the time with rideshare apps.

As you can tell i’m Never short on conversation, however I can be quiet if that’ll get my small rodent and I back home.

Open to suggestions, Thanks

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Feb 28, 2019
why? NEW
by: Anonymous

the driver must have his company authorize it.
they will give him the paperwork to make things all larry legal.
that is of course if the company allows passengers they dont have to.

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