Recent graduate blacklisted

I Feel I Am Being blacklisted from a company I recently went to only for orientation I had family complications back home so I had to leave..

Now every company I try to apply with is not giving me a chance I have no issues on my record at all I just got out of trucking school 2016 February I went to Schneider for 8 days left.

Now I'm trying to apply in March these companies wanted me before but all of a sudden nope I leave a voicemail on each recruiter message box but they never get back to me or pick up the telephone..I Need advice on what to do..

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Mar 20, 2016
Did you and the company agree to you leaving
by: Hervy

I don't know why they would blacklist you if you left on good terms. You didn't speak of any drama.

If you communicated with Schneider and both parties were aware and agreed to you leaving, there shouldn't be a reason to blacklist you.

In which case, you might be jumping to conclusions about why you haven't hear anything. Just keep applying to companies that you like and call to those you have already applied to check on status.

You also can get a copy of your DAC and see what is on it. Get a copy of your DAC report. Challenge the report if it is wrong.

However, if you left because it was time to drug test, that would be bad. (I mention because people have done that)

If you left with out an agreement about what was happening, that would be bad. (Especially if they paid to get you out there, etc)

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