Please help!!

by Tesla

Hi, I am 16 years old and I have been with my boyfriend who is now 18 for 4 years. As we get closer to him graduating we have to deal with what he wants to do after school.

He's recently told me that he wants to start driving truck whenever he turns 21.. like his grandfather who's had a healthy trucking marriage for 50 years!

We have been in constant fight for the past 2 weeks because I have heard so many bad things about truck drivers like cheating and betrayal. He tells me he'd be home for weekends but with me getting my medical license I don't know how it will work.

We've overcame so many obstacles in the past 4 years that we both believe we can overcome it. I don't like being alone which is the only reason that I'm not sure about this because I do not want to be alone all through the week.

Is there anyone out there who can give me reassurance that not all truck drivers cheat and some marriages do work out. I know this may seem weird because I am only 16 but we both see a future together and I do not want to keep being a "non-supportive" girlfriend if there is hope.

Please help!!

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May 01, 2015
Have him look elsewhere NEW
by: Anonymous

Trucking is not a piece of cake. Right now your boyfriend has a fantasy that in 3 years he wants to be a trucker. That may change in 3 years. The 2 of you may not be together in 3 years. People change, situations change. My husband has been doing it for 3 years & he has his good days & his bad days, such as putting up with fleet managers, & the pay. If you are not an owner/operator, the pay stinks. His team driver left him, so right now my husband is going solo for now & one week he only cleared like a little over $300.00, then another a little over $600.00. My husband is thinking of quitting OTR & now that he has his 2 years experience of being OTR, he wants to come home & do local with a steady amount each & every week! Good luck, but remember trucking is not for everyone & he will not be getting a shower every day & half the time out there the food at truck stops are expensive & not that good!

Apr 25, 2015
Just a fantasy NEW
by: Anonymous

Your boyfriend is going through a phase, it is a fantasy. It is not a dream job being a truck driver. My nephew wanted to be a bounty hunter because he was fascinated watching Dog, the Bounty Hunter, with his wife & son Leland. Well you know where my nephew is now, this June he'll be graduating from college & in the fall attending medical school to study to become a doctor. Before any local company hires, you must have 2 years OTR (over the road) experience. And unless you are a owner/operator, the pay sucks. Plus my husband has battles with the fleet manager who gives him & his team driver half the time crappy runs. Plus when the wheels stop, so does the pay. They get paid by the mile & if you do not get good runs, like I said, the pay sucks. My husband's team driver had to go out on a medical emergency leaving my husband drive solo & you know what his weekly paychecks were each week this month, no more than $350.00 CLEAR, so if I were you I would convince him to look elsewhere for employment. Now my husband does have a good friend that is owner/operator but he has been doing trucking for over 30 years before he became owner/operator. And his pay has caused us to get into some battles because my husband is careless with his spending meaning he could make $10.00 & fill up the grocery cart with $100.00 worth of food & to ends meet, I am actually contributing 95% of my paycheck toward expenses & him 5%. He likes to keep up with the Jones' but the Jones' has a higher amount in their bank account. I wish you luck!

Jan 27, 2015
Many happy marriages NEW
by: Allana

My fiancé comes from a family of truckers (his great aunt was the first woman long haul driver from Canada) trust. Communication. Respect. Love. Those things are mutually required to make it work and it can! Is his grandma still around? If she is maybe talk to her about it, getting first hand advice and experiences face to face may comfort you more.

Dec 30, 2014
Many Happy Marriages in Trucking
by: Hervy

You are so bright and mature! I am pleasantly impressed.

There many many happy marriages in trucking. You can read some right here on the website. Here is one

happy trucker wife
another happy truckers wife

Remember, the horrow stories that you hear are just a fraction of relationships of truckers and wives.

Most people don't voice their feedback if they are happy! Just like news can't report ever good story. They don't talk about the good police, its too many and therefor not a story.

The good relationships are in fact the normal ones. The bad ones are the bad ones.

Notice the types of men that these women have chose. Also notice the attitude of these women. You will find those common in good relationships....Certain types of people, personalities and character sets tend to have better relationships with each other.

People who are set in their ways, selfish, feel they are always right, close minded they are likely to have poor relationships.

The other part to it is to keep learning by asking questions like you are doing now. Learn how to keep a relationship alive and strong.

Here are some thoughts for that with regards to trucker and spouse
OTR trucking relationships tips

Best wishes, don't worry. Just keep studying how to make it successful. Make sure he also does the same.

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