Accredited CDL school VS non accredited trucking school

by Cindy
(Chico, CA., USA)

I can't afford an accredited trucking school.

If I go the private route, how do I obtain a job?

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Jun 29, 2018
They Will Recruit You
by: Hervy

Dont worry, they'll be recruiting amd you can also find jobs on job boards, newspapers, bill boards, radio, and even on this website.

Seriously companies advertise everywhere. And the jobsites like indeed and career builder also has trucking jobs.

Apr 20, 2010
Accredited CDL school vs Non Accredited CDL School
by: Hervy

Are you saying private route as in an individual training you? If so, you're right that will be a little more challenging that going to a trucking school generally speaking.

There are addition options for trucking training. You can get financed and also there is stimulus money fro training that you may qualify for now.

And of course you also have company sponsored training.

Check out this page.

types of CDL training schools

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