Texas Trucking Jobs

Trucking in Texas is on fire. Many trucking companies are there and they are hiring. This is good for drivers because it means potential for the type of trucking job you need to suit your situation is more likely to be available.

Employment in Texas as a trucker is available for driving locally, regionally, dedicated, over the road, pulling tanks, hauling cattle, oil field related products and equipment, aggregate, relocating heavy equipment, military and the list goes on.

The most common Texas trucking job of course for new drivers would be dry vans, flat beds, refrigerated freight hauling and tankers. Your location in Texas and experience would determine what is most available to you personally.

Also, if you are willing to travel or relocate for the job.

Video trucking through Dallas

Video trucking through San Antonio

Texas Oil Field Jobs

The Oilfield boom in the US has made locations all over Texas very exciting and lucrative for truckers with new and expanded opportunities.  You can driver for companies or owner operators.

Most drivers go out to the oil fields because of the amount of money that you can make as a company driver.  The lifestyle is not glamorous but if stacking money is what you want to do, the oil fired especially with 6 months to a year of experience is all you have, then the oil field will be one of your best options.

Lots of youtubers are going out into the Oilfields.  They share life out in the oilfields as a trucker in their videos.  You can learn a lot before even going out in Midland Odessa area or San Antonio area or other regions of Texas

More about Oil Field Trucking Jobs here

Canadian Oil Field Jobs

What I Love About Texas Trucking

So much space.  Texas is full of space.  Also you can run so many of the back roads.  And because there is so much space, then many of the back roads and US road have shoulders wide enough that slow vehicles will actually pull over to let you pass pass by.

Love trucking in Texas.  Lots of space

The people is probably what I love about Texas the most.  They are so cool.  I have spend many days broke down there.  Which is usually why I spend the most time anywhere, lol.

When broke down, I like to interrogate the locals, lol.  Actually, some times I do and sometimes I just sleep or work on this website or edit videos but i digress..... in this video my truck broke down in Amarillo.

What I Dislike About Texas Trucking

Like any other major city, you will have traffic and congestion.  So that just goes with the territory.  Having said that, realize that places such as Houston is not like all other cities. 

Houston has extremely high growth with people moving in.  So there is construction and traffic going on in near and around the area to keep up with projected needs.

So plan and leave early!

Lots of construction in Texas
High growth in Texas Means traffic and congestion

Heading to Georgetown Tx

Arriving at Shipper in Georgetown Tx

Houston Tx Delivery

Here I am in Katy Texas

Jobs - Part Time and Local Texas Trucking

Yes, I said part time trucking. The number of jobs available are increasing drivers. Don't worry, full time trucking companies hiring from local areas are listed too. If you don't see a local trucking company or type of job listed for your location, do a search for the position you want and the location. The closest match should come up.

So you may have not found a local trucking job listed. Many trucking companies still haven't come around to using this model. Then some companies simply are not set up to where using this model is possible much less feasible for them.

Some of you who are just looking to start your career as a trucker may find that you need to first get experience as a trucker over the road. You can continue to search for a local driving job, and the tips below may provide a better chance for results, but the reality is that to get hired for most local trucking positions experience is required.

So how else would you find local Texas trucking job?

  • Tell your friends what you are searching for
  • Ask local manufacturers if they are hiring truck drivers.
  • Stop by local Texas Truck Stops
  • Check for help wanted flyers
  • Visit service stations near large manufactures in your area to see if anyone has posted flyers for drivers.
  • Post your own flyers about looking for a local driving position

Generally speaking you also just want to be super aware of your surroundings. You may have driven right by large manufactures or even small trucking companies and not noticed them.

You need to pay attention as you are driving to what is actually in your community. Keep your eyes wide open and even ask people if they know of local or nearby companies with trucks.

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Transportation Jobs in Dallas Not rated yet
There are plenty of Transportation Jobs in Dallas Tx. Most of them will not allow you to drive local but instead take you all over the State if not the …

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A way to get leads on what types of trucking jobs may be available and where to actually look for companies who don't advertise is to be aware of Texas economy and especially your local economy.Let's do some light research by looking at Texas economy in wiki to see what drives the Texas Trucking

You will see that cattle is the dominant agriculture product. This is an indication that bull hauling jobs are probably available to the qualified driver in the right location. (If interested) But ask yourself, what local companies are processing the meat? They need drivers to pull refrigerated trailers. Will that be their trucks or a Texas trucking company contracting the loads. Find out you might have a job.

So now you could Google meat processing in your city,town,etc. Or there is another website called Manta which specializes in business info . Search for more direct information. Google will give lateral results. Good for information gathering and ideas. Manta will give vertical straight up results. As you will see there are ways to use Manta to locate local businesses and companies also. If you already knew or assume cattle was big in Texas (duh) or maybe in your community.

You could just search for meat processing company in yourtown, TX.You see how many employees work there, how long the company has been around, etc. You even get a map of the location of the company. Try the phone number listed and see if you can get in touch with human resources or warehouse department and see if they hire truck drivers.Obviously you can also do it for trucking companies, or any other manufacturer or business.

One more tool. Well same tool but different approach. Use Google and type these words...... economic development yourtown, TX. These economic development websites are good resources for what's moving and shaking and what is coming. I guarantee you that most job seekers are not doing this. You will know before they will if an opportunity is coming available soon because of new developments.

Tips For New Drivers

Types of Trucking Jobs

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