Moving Companies - Household Freight

Moving Companies pay good money. They use responsible, trustworthy, careful drivers.

No matter if it is household, military, or office moving the wages for movers will be higher than a driver pulling a dry van.

You can tell these guys make long dollars just by the huge sleepers you will see on the owner operator trucks.

I did household for about a year as a driver helper for a moving company before I got my CDL license years later. I think it is a very good path for someone who is too young to drive and wants to become an owner operator and is not lazy should think about becoming a driver helper until old enough to get their CDL.

The reason is that you can learn about the paperwork, stay in shape and make good money,  as a company man while you learn the business and save your money until you are ready to buy a truck.

Then you are set to bring in the big pay checks if you are with the right company. By then you will be educated about the process and paperwork and earning potential of different types of freight.  You will learn that you can specialize within the moving company type.


  • Commercial
  • High Dollar Value
  • Military
  • Government
  • Electronics

and other categories I am sure.

Learning the ropes as a company driver is always best before becoming an owner operator no matter what you are hauling.

Also, a person who is waiting for something to get off of their record before a company will hire them as a driver might want to consider being a driver helper for a moving company simply because you can already be working at a trucking company and maybe they will see first hand that you are someone dependable and worth giving a chance as a driver as soon as your record will permit them to hire you.

Then you can start trucking but you will not be starting at the rate of a new driver pulling a dry van. You will be making a higher salary because you are doing household. So, if you look at the big picture, being a helper while too young to drive allows you to start driving at a higher salary by default.

Tell Us More About This Type of Trucking Job

Can you give us a better description of what it is like to have this type of trucking job?

How is it different from pulling a dry van? What extra training will you need? How long does it take get get trained?

Did you go to a school to get training or did you learn on the job? Is there a school that provides the training for this type of job?

What extra responsibilities did you have pulling this type of freight?

How long did you do this type of trucking job for?

Did you like it? Was it difficult?

Was the extra work worth the money or did you get the same pay as when you pulled dry van?

Thanks to all who make the site useful b sharing information!

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16yr Bed Bugger- thought, opinions, questions Not rated yet
So right off the top I'll offer that I don't -or have only started to consider myself- a "trucker." I'm not formally trained nor have ever received my …

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