year and a half being a truck driver's wife

At first it was hard for the booth of us, we missed each other dearly, he was doing OTR when he got to come home I could feel the love it was what you would think that two people would act like being away from each other for long period of time.

Well the past 7 months he's been driving dedicated and he's home at least two times a week and he's totally different when he is home now he keeps his cell phone on him at all times never ever did that before.

went from having sex every chance we got to two to three times a month and its like he only does it to keep me satisfied.

He's never happy disapreshativ he says things that hurt. he sleeps twelve to fourteen hours a day and or sits and watches tv and didn't move. when he has to leave n mornings he stays in bed till he has time to get up get dressed and leaves.

Today after he left out I found a strange black medium length hair laying where his stuff was laying. I've been told some stories from him that don't make sense and there has been times when ore money has been spent by him on road normally he would spend 100-110a week there a been several times 150-320 in a week and he can't explain it.

I'm trying to think of what to do and how to catch him if he's messing ground

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Feb 15, 2015
to last post "emotional abuse" NEW
by: Anonymous

Why? Are you wasting time playing the kiddie games? It is better to act like the adult and stop lowering yourself to his standards. He wins each time you do this. Be a better person, woman, or whatever you want to call it, and care more about "self".

It doesn't make any sense to do or act like him. If you do this then you are just like him wouldn't you say? Clean up and find better things to do with your time then thinking about getting back at him.

You are wasting your precious time here on this planet. Either change the situation or just get out. There are so many nice guys out there that you dont have to put up with this, and believe me he will find his next victim you wont have to worry about that! Or you can stay around and be his victim the rest of your life. Its about choices. Good luck. God Bless.

Feb 15, 2015
Emotional abuse NEW
by: Anonymous

From what I am reading from you, your husband sounds like he is an emotionally abusive person by giving you the silent treatment, neglecting you, stonewalling you, whatever you want to call it. If you get your cellphone bill online like I do, it will show all phone calls both incoming & outgoing & if you do not recognize a phone # or if it shows up on his end that someone called him with an unavailable listed, ask him about it. I know for a fact my husband talks to his childhood friend that was also his best man at our wedding & he talks a hell of a lot longer to his friend several times a day & lengthy amounts of time whereras when he talks to me, it is like only twice a day for maybe no longer than 5 minutes. And mine also lately has said things to me that hurts, last year on Valentine's Day, the first thing he did was get on his cell phone before he started to drive & wish me a Happy Valentine's Day, yesterday nothing, because a few days ago he started a fight with me where he was yelling & screaming at me & I told him I was not going to put up with his s**t anymore. Now in reference to that hair you found, I would be suspicious too! That's okay, our anniversary is coming up in a few months & if mine posts on social media a happy anniversary so he can look good to all his friends out there, I am not going to reply back & if mine asks why not, I will say oh geez I have been so busy with work, doctor appts etc that it totally slipped my mind like it slipped your mind to wish me a happy Valentine's day & on our anniversary date I will be sure to have all my calls go straight to voicemail. Like a friend told me she believes trucking is a good way for a guy to cheat & get away with it. If you have sex with him, I would get tested to make sure he does not pass a disease on to you if you suspect he is cheating. I asked my doctor to test me every time mine comes home & you know what my doctor told me the best test is & he said he doesn't have to submit it to my insurance company & that is ABSTINCE!! He says safe sex is no sex at all! I told him sounds good to me. So if you have your cellphone bill sent to you online check the statement & if not, then request your carrier to start sending you the statements online. Good luck & I know what you are going through & feeling!

Feb 15, 2015
Emotional abuse NEW
by: Anonymous

From what I am reading from you, your husband sounds like he is an emotionally abusive person by giving you the silent treatment, neglecting you, stonewalling you, whatever you want to call it. If you get your cellphone bill online like I do, it will show all phone calls both incoming & outgoing & if you do not recognize a phone # or if it shows up on his end that someone called him with an unavailable listed, ask him about it. I know for a fact my husband talks to his childhood friend that was also his best man at our wedding & he talks a hell of a lot longer to his friend several times a day & lengthy amounts of time whereras when he talks to me, it is like only twice a day for maybe no longer than 5 minutes. And mine also lately has said things to me that hurts, last year on Valentine's Day, the first thing he did was get on his cell phone before he started to drive & wish me a Happy Valentine's Day, yesterday nothing, because a few days ago he started a fight with me where he was yelling & screaming at me & I told him I was not going to put up with his s**t anymore. Now in reference to that hair you found, I would be suspicious too! That's okay, our anniversary is coming up in a few months & if mine posts on social media a happy anniversary so he can look good to all his friends out there, I am not going to reply back & if mine asks why not, I will say oh geez I have been so busy with work, doctor appts etc that it totally slipped my mind like it slipped your mind to wish me a happy Valentine's day & on our anniversary date I will be sure to have all my calls go straight to voicemail. Like a friend told me she believes trucking is a good way for a guy to cheat & get away with it. If you have sex with him, I would get tested to make sure he does not pass a disease on to you if you suspect he is cheating. I asked my doctor to test me every time mine comes home & you know what my doctor told me the best test is & he said he doesn't have to submit it to my insurance company & that is ABSTINCE!! He says safe sex is no sex at all! I told him sounds good to me. So if you have your cellphone bill sent to you online check the statement & if not, then request your carrier to start sending you the statements online. Good luck & I know what you are going through & feeling!

Feb 15, 2015
Emotional abuse NEW
by: Anonymous

From what I am reading from you, your husband sounds like he is an emotionally abusive person by giving you the silent treatment, neglecting you, stonewalling you, whatever you want to call it. If you get your cellphone bill online like I do, it will show all phone calls both incoming & outgoing & if you do not recognize a phone # or if it shows up on his end that someone called him with an unavailable listed, ask him about it. I know for a fact my husband talks to his childhood friend that was also his best man at our wedding & he talks a hell of a lot longer to his friend several times a day & lengthy amounts of time whereras when he talks to me, it is like only twice a day for maybe no longer than 5 minutes. And mine also lately has said things to me that hurts, last year on Valentine's Day, the first thing he did was get on his cell phone before he started to drive & wish me a Happy Valentine's Day, yesterday nothing, because a few days ago he started a fight with me where he was yelling & screaming at me & I told him I was not going to put up with his s**t anymore. Now in reference to that hair you found, I would be suspicious too! That's okay, our anniversary is coming up in a few months & if mine posts on social media a happy anniversary so he can look good to all his friends out there, I am not going to reply back & if mine asks why not, I will say oh geez I have been so busy with work, doctor appts etc that it totally slipped my mind like it slipped your mind to wish me a happy Valentine's day & on our anniversary date I will be sure to have all my calls go straight to voicemail. Like a friend told me she believes trucking is a good way for a guy to cheat & get away with it. If you have sex with him, I would get tested to make sure he does not pass a disease on to you if you suspect he is cheating. I asked my doctor to test me every time mine comes home & you know what my doctor told me the best test is & he said he doesn't have to submit it to my insurance company & that is ABSTINCE!! He says safe sex is no sex at all! I told him sounds good to me. So if you have your cellphone bill sent to you online check the statement & if not, then request your carrier to start sending you the statements online. Good luck & I know what you are going through & feeling!

Jan 24, 2015
as a female to a female NEW
by: Anonymous

if you already suspect him, why are you waiting to verify what you feel he is already doing? is it that you need evidence? what good will this evidence do for you? just to have cold hard facts about him philandering will make any difference? what would you do with the evidence once you have it? these are the things you should be asking yourself.

as a strong woman that I am, if I suspect anything I am not going to waste precious time and energy messing with my mind, I am going to be straight forward and down right ask him what the heck is he doing! if I spot any sight of denial in his reaction that's all the evidence I need!!

Women need to stand up and stand their ground and take a hold on their own lives and quit depending on the man to do everything for them, it is ridiculous to hang around and be a puppet to another human being that bleeds the same as you. js.

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