Would it be a waste of time getting my cdl's if I have a refusal with in the last year on my record?

by christopher
(charlotte nc union)

I don't have any points on my license and just got them back from being suspended for refusal to take a breathalyzer.

Like I said no DUI's or points on my license. In your opinion do you think a company would hire me?

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Sep 11, 2011
Cdl disqualification
by: Billy

You are disqualified from operating a CMV if you are convicted of any of the following offenses while driving any type of vehicle.

* Being under the influence of alcohol as prescribed by state law.

* Being under the influence of a controlled substance,

* Refusing to take an alcohol test as requested by a state or jurisdication under its implied consent laws or regulations.

Sep 09, 2011
How Many DUIS
by: Anonymous

I have had 4 duis,last one in 1985,3 speeding tickets since.

Is it possible to get a job driving a truck?

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