I am the wife of a truck driver and to all girlfriends new wife,partners. i will say this (his name is Chris) by the way!I think we should name them that helps stop the hiding ..they are able to hide enough already .i suggested, he drive trucks because of the job shortage here in Alabama.

Well needless to say he went to driving at swift, and his trainer taught him the truck driving industry well as how to have different families and lie about where he was located. to his wife who was a beautiful loving faithful woman in( denial).for the first year. he came home twice a month ,now its even less.

Well when i found out he was cheating in Tennessee at the truck stops ,i was angry but agreed to work things out .because, as he said they were lying and i had no proof ..i checked his phone and read his log book. if they’re in one place too long or keeps going back to the same area, that’s where she is.

Any way i started calling his women back, and they were more than willing to tell me what was going on since they knew i couldn’t find them and didn’t know them from a can of paint when i rode with him. well this went on awhile. he switched companies and worked at kllm,where he had to train ,with guess what a woman, Janice,who was a loose woman and had sex with her trainees, i had a feeling that’s what was happening and i asked her. of course she was to happy to spill the beans. of course he said she was lying. next there was jenny (we`re black ). by the way she was white,i called her phone she lied at first and then when i told her how many times her number was on the phone she got angry and i was a nigger bitch and more, haha!!

The friends they meet, who convince them its OK, the women driving trucks .the workers they come in contact with. the prostitutes they meet soliciting customers on the cb. the women working in the truck stops by day . hooking by night. you have a lot against you if your at home ..it all depends on the quality and character of the man.

Now hes in love with me. haha, and says those women only wanted his money, which i knew all along. I a m not in love anymore I’ve returned to college and im trying to turn my life around .we have no kids together and mine are all grown. i tell you this because in the beginning.

I was so happy he was driving trucks like i say it was my idea . i supported him while he went to school i paid for the license my self.the road is no place for a married or committed man.

An old man who drove trucks told me that right in front of him before he started driving ..he was right..

your truly,

Mrs,stating facts from Alabama!!!

Comments for WOMAN OF A TRUCkER, 7YRS

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Nov 22, 2011
cheating men
by: Laura

Wow, sounds like a real roller coaster ride. So sorry you had to live like this. I have had many discussions with my trucker about this type of behavior. He has been driving for 25 yrs now.

He tells me the rookies that get into trucking after working in other capacities that have them home every day all of a sudden have their lives opened up to them and that opportunity exists where it did not exist before.

It appears exciting and appealing and don't deal with it appropriately. If they don't have moral strength to resist, they fall into this type of pattern and it destroys families and relationships.

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