Will trucking companies hire me with a felony from 1996?

by mark

I was convicted in 1996 for possession of stolen property,i only got probation. Did no jail time. Probation ended in 1999.

Who will still hire me ?

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Jan 18, 2023
Felonies over 10 years old
by: The Crazy Trucker

For a lot of trucking companies once your felony is over 10 years old they are more likely to give you a trucking job.

Of course, they will take into account what you've been doing since your felony.

If you can account for the time with something productive like other work or school...

And also volunteering or in some way just showing that you're responsible, caring, or is at least a productive member of society that has stayed out of trouble, there's no reason you can't get a truck driving job.

They just want to know they feel comfortable you're not the same person today who committed the felony.

In other words, you've learned/grown/matured/evolved etc.

you get the idea.

You shouldn't need to rely only on companies listed on this page because your felony is so old, but these trucking companies are known to give 2nd chances to felons

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