will southern refrigerated transport hire me with two misdimeanor marijuana charges? 1 was deferred.

I have two minor pot charges. One federal (possession on national forest land) the other deferred and charges dropped. I'm not sure if fed one was even a misdemeanor. I think it was just summary offense. I plead no contest to it.

If I'm not sure should i put it on myapp? Ive read stories about people being sent home for things like that.

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Jan 31, 2012
Getting hired at a company with a dirty record NEW
by: Hervy


First step I would suggest is to get a copy of your criminal background. See what is on there and know what you were charged with and convicted of. (or go to the clerk of court and just find out what you were convicted of)

Second thing I would do is call the trucking companies you are interested in and see if they would hire you with what you find on your record.

There is no need of wasting time guessing about your record and calling anyone with questions based on that guess.

Before any of this though, make sure you are committed to stop smoking if that is what the charges were. Becoming a trucker on weed would only be a way to end up with more charges on your record.

That is if you don't end up dead or in jail and we don't want either of those. (Remember, it's still illegal)

Good luck man,

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