will several dui's before 2000 disqualify me from getting a cdl?

by Brian
(Columbus ohio USA)

I quit drinking 2 yrs ago.I got my first dui in nov 1982 and my last in 1999. I have a total of 8. I'm wondering if there is a chance I could get a cdl since it's been so long since my last one and I quit drinking 2 yrs ago. I live in central ohio. I appreciate any feed back. I know it sounds like a lot of them but really it is'nt compared to the thousands of times I drove and didn't get pulled over and there are millions of people who do the same and never get pulled over. Just wanted to put that in there. Hey if I don't ask I'll never know the answer. Thanks

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Jan 06, 2016
Reply to reply on 1/06/2016
by: Anonymous

Thanks for the reply I appreciate that. Yes I would like to find a job driving,just to let you know. So with that out there do you think I could find a job and a Cdl even in another state.

I know what you said about Ohio. Also how would I go about finding out the truth without someone being an idiot and giving me info that's not correct. Thanks for any additional info.

Jan 06, 2016
Ohio brian
by: Anonymous

You asked about obtaining a cdl, not a job. FMCSA rules are worded so you can get it as long as you didn't have a CDL or CLP at the time of all the offenses.

Some state CDL statutes are worded so you can get it as long as you didn't have a CDL at the time of the offenses. Not sure about Ohio. You'll have to check Ohio statutes. Read very carefully!

Jul 11, 2015
Searching for possibilities
by: Anonymous

Are there no other Truckers who would know the answer to this Question. Real answers not slams or something like that.

Something that could really help, with a positive answer that is not just your opinion.

Jul 08, 2015
DUI history of long ago...
by: Anonymous

Trucking companies ask for a 10 year driving record and driving history.

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