Will my rollover affect my career

I laid my truck over on its side. I was on a very narrow road and it had been off and on the entire day. The shoulders were soft and muddy. My drifted slightly off to the right shoulder and I tried to get it back on the road. Instead I herded the wheel to the left and the truck laid over on its left side.

I've been driving 2 years and this is the only accident I've had. There were no other vehicles around. It was a dark, country back road. How will this affect my driving record.

Although right now, I am afraid to get back in the truck

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Feb 15, 2016
you're not alone
by: Aaron

i put a truck on its side back in march 31,2013 i still remember it like if it was yesterday is almost been 3 years and not even a police officer has stopped me yet lol my driving is been pristine since then it has made me a better driver i been driving for 19 years now im in between jobs right now i got laid off due to lack of work i was hauling crude oil now im worried ill have a hard time finding a good job.

Jan 09, 2016
Dont worry
by: Anonymous

Never admit that to safety director,if its really true retire otherwise suck it up and get back behind the wheel,you are not the first,nor last situations happen,u learned a tuff lession but no one was hurt unless.....

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