Will my driving record keep me from getting a trucking job?


Want to be an otr trucker... no trucking exp. Got a speeding ticket, improper turn, seat belt violation in 94... dui in 96, driving on suspended and no insurance in 98, and open container in 2002.

Will I have any problems getting hired?

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Jun 09, 2012
Driving record
by: Anonymous

In most cases, a driving record will only show the last ten years. There are companies out there that will hire a dui after as little as three years. in most cases it's between 5 and 10 years. Remember; Jesus died for you.

Jun 09, 2012
by: Anonymous

the open container and DUI will show up as those are criminal acts. BUT i would say hireable, call any recruiter they will tell you right away

Jun 09, 2012
get a copy of your driving record
by: Anonymous

your driving record only goes back so many years go get a copy of your driving record to see if anything shows

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