will leasing a truck through a company allow me to bring in more cash than being a company driver?

by still bill

Thinking about leasing a big truck and just want to be sure that it will net me a bigger paycheck.

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Jan 04, 2012
No, not at all!!
by: Anonymous

Well, I have news for you 70 to 80 % of these deals the truck goes back to the company , sometimes you do make more money , But is it worth it?
Numbers dont lie!! Owner operator buys his tractor&trailer cash 60k drives for one year , after expenses He nets 60k , 100% return on investment..

Good return? Not so fast!! A driver comes in ...invest $0 zero dollars ..works one year ...saves 30k .... Return on investment was... Are you ready? 3 000 000% ..yeah 3 million percent!! Do the math!!

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