Will crst rehire me if I failed a drug test with them?

Can I still seek employment with crst after I passed or completed their drug program/counseling?

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Jan 31, 2012
Getting hired at that company NEW
by: Hervy

NickV gives the best advice possible about CRST and getting hired after completing the program.

Same deal for anyone else with questions specific to companies or special circumstance involving you.

We would be guessing to answer them. Somethings only the company can answer. We don't know every companies policy or the details of your situation.

So, good luck man and to you and others seeking answers to specific questions.....you to should take Nick's Advice...contact the company and ask.

Also, try sending them an email asking important questions and save their response.

This way if they say one thing and it changes later, you have proof of what was said. What good it will do you? I don't know that. But if you need it you got it. better to have proof and not need it or need proof and not have it.


Jan 31, 2012
Call em NEW
by: NickV

You van either call our go online and they have recruiters online that you can give your info to and they will figure it out and contact you whichever way you'd like

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