Will CDL drivers be able to smoke marijuana if it is removed from schedule 1 list?

by Dan
(Rochester, NY)

Will CDL drivers be allowed to smoke marijuana if removed from schedule one drug list?

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Aug 13, 2015
Its our right.
by: Anonymous

We dont want to use it *while* we are driving. That was be stupid.

We want to have a smoke on our days off. On our vacations. You know, when we are actually able to enjoy things instead of being in a truck 14 hours a day.

Shit shouldnt have ever been made illegal to begin with. Guess this is what happens when scammers and idiots somehow get voted into office.


Mar 23, 2015
Hope so
by: Future trucker

If it's no longer considered a class 1, I sure hope so! As previously stated, why assume [all] drivers would smoke while driving? Do all truckers drink while driving?

I quit a long time ago so I could obtain my CDL but would love to be able to smoke after driving for a week straight, when I didn't need to drive in the immediate future.

Mar 22, 2015
by: Anonymous

Why do clowns assume drivers will use it when driving?

Feb 27, 2015
yup it will make then calm drivers not to mention help them wi.
by: Anonymous

Yes it should be available to emt cops, drivers people who have high stress jobs. I feel safer with a driver who smokes bud than a driver who needs sleeping pills same for a EMT.and cop
In the future when people become smarter majority will choose yes

Feb 19, 2015
the answer
by: Anonymous


Feb 17, 2015
by: Anonymous

Why would you want to? When you are piloting a multi-ton vehicle and load do you really think it's wise to have either that or liquor in your system?

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