Will a trucking company pay fees for revoked license

by David Barnard
(Bakersfield Ca)

Is there any trucking companys who will pay the fees of a suspended and under default license and train to drive for them once i pay collectors ill get my regular license back

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Jun 21, 2017
Not likely to happen at regular trucking companies
by: Hervy

The best chance of that happening is you meeting someone personally who knows enough about you or your character, work ethic or back ground that they want you to drive for them that bad that they would take on that responsibility.

Not to mention they would also need a driver and likely have driving work that no one else would want.

OR it would be someone who knows you and feel that same way as stated above and simply wants to help you get on your feet.

UNLESS you are in a small town with a lot of jobs and a local company needs a driver bad.

So what I recommend is borrowing the money and getting it taken care of if other than that you are someone a trucking company would hire David.

I think there are a lot of trucking companies in Bakersfield. Should be a lot of Agriculture opportunities there as well.

Might be the best best for getting a trucking job or even finding a small operation who might help you out. Maybe you could do farm work + plus drive truck in exchange for paying the fines.

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