What is the best way to back out of a JB Hunt application.

Recently, I began the process of applying to JB Hunt. I filled out a pre-qualify form online, I completed a telephone interview with the recruiter, and I spoke to the person in charge of orientation. I received several emails, one of which was an authorization form, but I did not sign and return anything.

After reading the posts about the company on this site I decided that I should just stay where I am.

Here is my concern. Some of the posts suggest that they are a bit vindictive to potential employees who back out or are disqualified.

Are they likely to put damaging info on my DAC; and if so, how should I go about handling it?

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Aug 11, 2011
dac report
by: Anonymous

you are allowed 1 free dac report on yourself a year and it comes with advise on how to contest any lie or bad info, I just google dac report and apply on-line and it shows up about 3 weeks later

Jul 25, 2011
Whew... just in time
by: Anonymous

Thanks guys,

Jul 22, 2011
They Will
by: Anonymous

They WILL try and tear your employment record up to keep you from working anywhere else. They are THE worst mistake I ever made. I would tell them that you have a load of personal issues going on and let THEM be the ones who decide not to take you on. Just my .02 worth

Jul 22, 2011
by: Anonymous

Just tell them you do not want the job. They cannot put nothing on your DAC for turning down a job it cost them money to list anything on your DAC report.

Jul 22, 2011
by: NickV

If you are not working for this company they can not do anything to your d.a.c. Only thing they can put on your dac that doesn't involve you driving is a dirty u.a. If you don't want to work for them kimdly call your recruiter and thank him for his time but your company offered you better pay or somethin. No reason to burn a bridge but no reason to go with a company because you feel "obligated." You roll with who you wanna roll with period. They can't touch you. Keep on keepin on and I think your makin a good decision. Been there done that and I left after orientation cause I seen all the loose screws. Goodluck

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