What dose a good psp record look like?


What would a good psp record look like?

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Jan 25, 2012
presto NEW
by: Hervy

lol, well Cincinnati, I wish I could help you out more. Good for you though. You all ready got that report.

Like I said before. Good is in the eyes of the beholder.

I mean a little common sense is at play though. You know what you see. Everything is a strike. I don't know what most other drivers have. Just call a few companies and tell them what is on there and see how they respond.

that will tell you how they view and weigh it.

Look at the disqualification page. If your psp is not full of those types of things you probably can get a trucking job.

But calling companies is the only way for sure you will know how they are going to respond to what your specific record is.

No one can answer what you are asking.

Jan 25, 2012
got my report
by: Anonymous

yes i know that i can get my report and have done so, but how do i tell if its a good one or a bad one, and how will it compare to other drivers reports??

Jan 25, 2012
beauty is in the eye of the beholder
by: Hervy

Same goes for records.

One company might say a few things is ok another will not allow it. So what one will say is good another will say, next.

You can get a copy of it and see what is on it at the government website though.

get a copy of your pre employment screening record

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