What do you think are the best gloves to use for chaining up, they would need to be warm and waterproof.

by Aaron
(Reno Nevada)

I go over Donner Summit and need some gloves for chaining that will be warm and dry.

Comments for What do you think are the best gloves to use for chaining up, they would need to be warm and waterproof.

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Aug 05, 2015
The best driver gloves NEW
by: Logo Work Gloves

Your advice sounds good. But this is my recommendations. http://logoworkgloves.com/gloves/drivers

Mar 13, 2013
Best chain up gloves
by: Anonymous

Try iron clad cold condition waterproof. I run the I-70 over mountains. The are waterproof and form fitting enough to be Able to hook the hooks and do what you need to do.

Check eBay they have them at pretty good prices. Buy 1 size larger than your fitted size they fit pretty tight.

Oct 21, 2012
Winter Water-proof Chain-up Gloves
by: Tom McConnaughy

Read my blog on Winter Waterproof Leather Insulated Chain-up Gloves.. right here on Life as a Trucker.

Tom's Truck Shop

Nov 30, 2010
maybe latex gloves underneath heavy work gloves?
by: Anonymous

just thinking the latex gloves would provide a level of warmth and keep your hands dry and the work gloves would protect your hands from any abuse from the chains just thinking. I have never tried this tho

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