what can i say to an employer im appling for?

by michael

i already and got my CDL and was driving for my company in a training program but the trainer wouldn't release me cause he thinks i might be unsafe 1 of his comments was i ran a yellow light but he always runs reds so i don't get it so my supervisor went off his word and i was removed from the program and went back to my old position i wasnt able to get my 6-12 months driving experience but i decided its best for me to look for another job with my CDL what do i say to a new employer why i'm not driving for them right now, with out my new employer passing up my application for the job I'm applying for?

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Sep 08, 2015
What Should I Ask Trucking Companies During An Interview? NEW
by: Pete


I found this goodie snooping around the web that might answer your question. Some questions I found about money is:

What’s the pay per mile?

Is there a guaranteed minimum weekly mileage?
How many paid holidays?

How often or for what reasons do drivers get raises?

Are there any healthcare benefits?

Do you offer a retirement plan?

Read the rest here: http://www.findatruckingjob.com/trucking-info/trucking-articles/what-should-i-ask-trucking-companies-during-interview

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