Was arrested a little over a year ago for sales and possession charges they were reduced to 2 disorderly conducts and a violation

by Will
(East I slip N.Y. U.S.)

I have been aressted 5 times since 2000 3 misdemeanors and have 2 tickets from a year and a half ago for driving with suspended license and commercial vehicle in the left lane these got dropped to illegal right turn and going through a stop sign

I got my class a cdl permit today will these hinder me from getting my class a cdl license?

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May 12, 2012
Rough record NEW
by: Hervy

Yes, more than likely, but keep your head up. Call a few dozen trucking companies and see that some of their responses sound like.

Many people assume trucking is the only (was the only) type of job for a person with a record to get.

These days there are all types of jobs.

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