Very HAPPY truckers wife with some words of advice

by Happy truckers wife
(Statesville nc u.s.a.)

Good relationship advice for trucking couples

Good relationship advice for trucking couples

I have read some of the post on here and I am very sorry that I share the title of being a truckers wife with some of you.

I have known my husband for 18 years been with him for 6 of those years and married for almost 2 years. I am a stay at home mom of a 15 ,14,13,and 3 year old. My husband has been a trucker for 11 years. And I am very happy to say that I am his #1 priority.

He is a otr trucker so we are on the phone throughout the day. He is never secretive and always answers the phone,emails,or text from sounds like to me a lot of you men and women didn't have a clue what you were in for or you take your frustrations out on each other.

A trucker lives a hard life away from his/her loved ones dealing with other people's cap plus whatever is going on at home sleeping in a truck spending most of the real LIFE alone.

Being the one at home is not easy eat her but at least you have friends or someone you can talk to and be around your not always alone. My husband comes home and blows off friends,family, and work so he can be with us.

I think if you men and women grabbed a hold of your balls and tits grew up acted like men and women things would be so much easier. Talk to each other go on a date when the other gets home your not taking away from the kids mom and dad need to be lovers sometime not just mom and dad.

Remind each other what you love about each other don't just stand by and let it go to hell. Put your big kid pants on and fight for what is yours. I have a amazing husband. We have kids bills the whole nine. There is a 11 year age gap between us he is 43 I am least once a month we go on a date all by our self. Get back to us not just our life and his job.

My husband loves me more than anything on this world and I do him. We respect each other. And the sex is awesome. My advise is quite crying if you love the other and want to be with them fight for it stop fighting each other.

It is supposed to be you and him against the world not you and him against each other.

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May 21, 2017
Great post NEW
by: Anonymous

Just wanted to say....Amen, sister. Great post!

Dec 10, 2016
Astonished NEW
by: Anonymous

I am a new trucker's wife. I came to this site thinking that I may find some support or advice but I am astonished at the negativity. I am even more astonished that every positive post I have read has people commenting negative things and bashing the poster because they have a good relationship with their trucker. My gosh, people, why would you do that??

Thank you for posting this positive insight into being a trucker's wife. I will now leave this site and I don't plan on returning because I don't need the vast amounts of negativity on here.

May 20, 2016
Why don't you cry about it! NEW
by: Anonymous

Well you are ashamed of sharing the same title as some of us! You may be the type of woman that wears the pants in the family making him p**** whipped that what you say goes! You don't live with us missy & some of these guys take up trucking because of the job market & if you read some of these posts, there are women that say their husbands have changed being over the road, they turn into a Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde & there are women that dread when their husbands come walking through the door for home time but rejoice when it is time for them to walk out the door to go over the road again! And when the neighbors even tell you that they have noticed a change in your husband, then you know it is them, not us & I have been told many many times for me not to go blabbing that I am a trucker's wife, I have been told I am a wife, not a trucker's wife because not too many people love or like truckers, they get a bad rap & if only the economy was much better & knew that my husband would not be let go or the company moving to another country, my husband would not be doing this job! I have been getting so many negative comments from others about my husband & I have told him about his personality & he claims oh if they don't like me, they can kiss my m****r f***ing d**k, now he has not used that profanity till he got over the road, so when he talks like that, I am disgusted & am ashamed to call myself a trucker's wife, which now I do not, & I see where the other people such as my friends, neighbor's, co-workers, cashiers in a supermarket, etc. all say if they were me they would not say that their husband was a trucker, some even have told me they find the name or title disgusting because they carry a bad reputation!! Truck drivers probably have a much higher divorce rate than cops or the military! My husband even got a dirty look from a sales clerk in a department store when he told her he was looking for a good pair of work boots & when she asked him what kind of work do you do & when he told her he was a trucker, she said oh please tell me you are kidding & she looked at me & said he's joking right & I said no, he is not joking & she then said ewwww & she said to me she felt sorry for me & said she would never date or marry a trucker & I told her he was not one when I first married him, she patted me on the back & said good luck, & she told me she feels sorry for me & I told her being married to these guys have their ups & downs & she said she believed me & I asked her why she hated trucker's & she told me because her boyfriend got killed by one, so she has no respect for them whatsoever!!

Apr 30, 2016
Reply NEW
by: Reaper

Been driving 17 years. Been married for 14 of it. Love my wife like there is no tomorrow. We talk everyday 10 plus times a day. And we don't keep secrets.

Apr 23, 2016
Thank you! NEW
by: Addie

You are SO right! This life takes a LOT of WORK! I, too, have an amazing amazing marriage. But it doesn't happen by itself. Both people have to...and you put it best..."put on their big girl/boy pants". Nagging, gets you no where!

Apr 22, 2016
Nice Read! NEW
by: Da Beast

Very nice! Well said!!

Apr 22, 2016
.. NEW
by: Anonymous

That's greaaaat!

Apr 22, 2016
Good advice for couples
by: Hervy

Thanks so much for sharing your relationship experience and advice. I agree a lot with what you say.

I think a lot of issues begin with people on both sides not really not looking at the character or personality of the person they are dealing with before getting serious.

Just like getting with a trucking company without checking it out first. It's kind of sad. However, many times people don't have a good model to follow for choosing a partner or building a strong relationship.

I think it is something that should be part of the curriculum at school just like other personal development and life skills should also be taught to cover the children who don't get it at home. So that they are better prepared for adulthood.

People are stuck with using what they know. If only they would pick up some material and read it or research so they will see how to do it better than what they learned.

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