Trucking husband is stressing me out

by Christine

I must say I really love my husband but sometimes I am just like screw it all. This happens to be 1 of those days. Trying to live your life without your husband in it because he is driving on the road to take care of the family is really really hard.

I can see why the woman of military men have such a hard time. I can relate. I should be more appreciative right now he bought me a beautiful ring for Christmas and I love it, But this does not help other things like time or just talking.

I have gotten very tired of talking because all I hear about when we talk is trucking and the weather. I ask him how his day is and he tells me and he barely listens to how my day is going and his answer is ahhuh all of the time.

The time apart is affecting me mentally and physically at this point. Wanting to be touched is a major thing and we do not get a lot of that and trying to find us time is hard sometimes when he is home. His actions really speak loud when he is at home and sometimes it seems like he would rather buy something to appease me than to do something with me.

Just feeling down today it will get better tomorrow.

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Mar 16, 2016
Trucker husband NEW
by: Anonymous

I am too a husband driving to support my family. The money is good. But it comes at a cost. I enjoy being able to buy my wife and son nice things with that hard earned paycheck. It's a tough lonely job. It's easy to just get in the rut of eat, sleep and drive. We too find it hard to find time for each other. But we do things to remind each other we care. She makes sure I'm properly outfitted ie; proper clothing, truck amenities (12v cooler) I make sure she has the pantry full, bills payed and $ in the bank. And try and surprise her with gifts and things. All we need to do is look around the house/truck and it's pretty easy to be reminded how much she loves me and I her. Also, remember you're dealing with a guy. Most are not the best at communication. If it weren't for women, we'd all still be living in caves grunting and killing things with clubs. Some still aren't far off from that. Try and think of the things your husband would like. Make his life on the road more comfortable. Life in a walk-in closet on wheels can be crappie if not properly outfitted. Creature comforts. Cologne, mattress topper, nice sheets and comforter. Maybe a nice rug. This may help remind him who keeps his home a home. Let him know it's OK to come out of his mobile cave and be the man, husband you love and married. Give him something to look forward to when he sets the breaks and is home for a few days. As they say. A good man is hard to find. Because he's working all the time.

Mar 16, 2016
You did a great job expressing yourself
by: Hervy

You did a great job and expressing how you are feeling. And I can understand. I am a physical person myself.

I am wondering if you have communicated your feelings about the state of things to your husband. Does he know how you feel about living the trucking lifestyle?

Also, do you all have a game plan about how this plays out in the future. Is he driving in 5 years. Are you planning for a different lifestyle?

Is he driving in 10 years? Or is there a transition to something different by then? Thinking about those things and having a road map of where you want to be in the future, will help you deal with right now.

Also, don't let excuses of not being able to do something different be the solution to the future. If you are not happy, then he should not be happy and if there is a will there is a way. But if he believes there is nothing else to replace being over the road, it might be easy to settle for not planing for a different future. There are plenty of options for doing something different, even if it is him driving local or at least regional.

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