Trucking company taking money out of my check to pay for a ticket

by George

What can I do to stop US Xpress from taking money out of my weekly check to pay a ticket I receive not in my name but in theirs.

I receive that ticket for following their GPS directions in Pittston,PA.

The ticket was NOT in my name but in US Xpress.Still they taking $30 out every week until the $750 ticket pay off.

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Sep 22, 2014
its on you NEW
by: Anonymous

As a US Xpress driver, I can state that in company orientation, they instruct you NOT to follow the satcom GPS. I believe it's in the employee handbook as well, but I'm not sure. If you were following the GPS alone, and not reading the signs and automated warning in your messages, then the ticket is your responsibility.

Mar 12, 2014
ticket NEW
by: George

Thank you all...You are right...!!Unfortunately, to tell the truth those days you will have to hide.

Mar 12, 2014
Not fair NEW
by: Anonymous

My husband got nabbed in CA at a weigh station for $240.00 that the company is taking $20.00 each week out of his pay & the company nor truck driving school taught my husband about this! CA state troopers are the worst! & for your protection, if I were you, I would not mention like you just did the name of your company that you work for! Next we will all be reading that they terminated you!

Mar 09, 2014
ticket NEW
by: George

First I want to thank you for replied to my problem.
Then i want to say that i will go against them with a lawer and if this doesn't work i will quit the company.
But before i quit i will pass from a restricted area to get another ticket in this company's name.
I know ,it's rude way to get revenge but.....
When I sign up in the begin,I sign up to pay my tickets,not to pay for tickets in my company's name.

Mar 08, 2014
lawyer NEW
by: Anonymous

Unless you fight them with litigation then you have little choice. Depending on what you signed for pre hire, you may be liable though. Even if they gave bad directions, it could still be driver responsibility to ensure that they are running legal.

My company routes us using pc miler and I always check the atlas. Not to mention I use a totally different route to save time. This often means I drive more miles than I am paid for, but since I most often can reschedule an earlier appointment, I start my next run out sooner.

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