Trucking Company not paying me

by jerry wilson

Loosing trucking money

Loosing trucking money

You guys have helped me in the past and I Appreciate it!

The last 3 companies I worked for took my money and I need someone to help make them accountable!

1st company took my escrow.
2nd company took my last check.
3rd company shorted me

and didn't pay me for all my loads/work. I've been pursuing this

for almost a year any information would help. If anybody wants to know the names of these companies. Text me


Mr, J Wilson
469 235 5446

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Nov 11, 2023
Small Claims Court
by: The Crazy Trucker

What was the story around them not paying you Mr Wilson?

You might need to see small claims court if they don't have a legit explanation.

They ever pay you yet?

Jan 27, 2023
by: Anonymous


Sep 12, 2021
Good Luck Getting Your Money Back
by: Hervy

Sorry to hear what youve been going through Mr. Wilson.

I would definitely seek an attorney if the money is enough to justify.

Don't assume they won't work with you because the though comes to mind....

If they did this to you and they are well known companies, probably youre not the only one.

However, i believe that more than likely, these are mom and pop small time owner operators. If I am right seek legal counsel about the situation to see if getting a judgement again them makes sense.

Best to work for proven companies with a good track record.

That said, often when these money shortages occur it is because of damage to the equipment or costs to repair truck up to condition needed to put the truck back out on the road with an new driver feeling comfortable.

Best of luck.


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