Trucking Across Time Zones

by Nick V
(San Antonio, Tx)

I have been thinking and I have another question for you. Is it hard to keep up with time zones? I mean if you have a load that is expected 2 time zones away, do they give you an allowance for the hours you will gain or lose?

I had to drive from San Antonio, Texas to Columbia, South Carolina for a construction job and made a straight trip but the time really messed me up in the head for awhile. Was wondering how yall deal with sometimes crossing time zones 3 at a time or maybe back and forth through them.

Seems like it would be a mind trip and considering you have to wake up and drive to get to certain places it seems as though that would slip the mind every once in awhile.

Just curious and thanks again

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Jan 19, 2023
Its part of time management
by: The Crazy Trucker

It can be something challenging getting used to at first. Just got to pay attention and stay aware of the time differences.

Have to keep track of the time differences at all times.

Soon it will all be second nature. Not hard at all once you do it a few times.

Jan 07, 2009
yo nick
by: jimmy

Time zones you say? it's really simple pardner. you run on your time. For instance, you live in the central time zone. you have a load going to cal due at 7am.(pacific time)which is 9am central. so the load is due 7 pacific or 9 central.

When you're in cal at 7 am your body says it's 9am going east, you have to make up for it out of your time. Going west, you're gaining free time. but it all works out because you're pretty much constantly runnin'. by the time you think about it, you're out of that zone.....jimmy

Aug 15, 2008
Hows it goin?
by: Nick V

I do insurance claims for USAA here in San Antonio. Water damage, fire, stuff like that. Sheetrock, carpentry, all the stuff that goes with remodeling.

I went to Columbia, SC cause a buddy of mine had a apartment complex to remodel so I ran up there twice. Loooong drive man and I had never been on a trip like that. Pretty proud that I didn't get lost and I really cant believe I made it straight either. Only stopped for gas and that's it.

So I gotta question, being from a blue collar background, what made you decide to go into trucking? I know construction doesn't pay all that great but its enough to get by. Pretty much trying to put myself in your shoes, I need a good reason to take off the tool belt.

I mean the main reason I want to join a school and start trucking is definitely not the money cause its gonna be the same as I am making right now at first if not less. The thing I am worried about is health care, 401, retirement, ya know stuff that you don't have as a construction worker.

Seems as though no matter who I ask people have good and bad things to say about trucking companies and just trucking in general. Half are like man jump in it, its so laid back and fun and full of money and the other half say you get burned out on it really quick and its a rough lifestyle.

Anyways sorry for writing a book, I know your busy but I'm just looking for some insight from someone who seems as though made the same decision I am thinking of making. Appreciate your time.

Thanks for answering my comments and stay safe out there bro.

Aug 06, 2008
Trucking across time zones
by: The Crazy Trucker


Your right man those time zones is a trip, but you will get used to them. Not that hard. They won't slip your mind as much either when dealing with them when its actually part of your job. You know, you'll be force to take it into account as soon you get your load information and plan out your trip.

No one allows for the zone changes, its the drivers responsibility to keep up with it. You will alway log using the time zone of your home terminal.

When your delivery or pickup is in a time zone other than your own, its always a good idea to ask when given the pickup or delivery times whether the time give to you is your home time zone or the companies time zone.

It sure is sweet when your going east to west though.

What kind of construction you do? I am a brick mason by trade. Been planning on goofing off Columbia for years now, haven't done it yet!
Was in San Antonio 2 week ago.

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