Truckers wife and frustrated

by Needing advice

Of course I'm a truckers wife...never did I think I would be...but I am. I love my trucker but I'm so frustrated with him. U see I have a full time job plus a 13 year old son (previous marriage) and a 9 month old.

My hubby is gone a lot...and we fight about him being on the phone, Facebook and texting other women. He says... " they r just friends...I get bored". Then he FB all the time searching for porn sites and what not. I've asked him to no avail.

And now we fight about him not being able to spend money when he wants. I'm not supposed to ask questions. When I took care of all the bills when he was not working and put the down payment on our truck to become an independent contractor.

Is it too much to ask to stop talking to other women all the time? Then again, I get accused of being controlling because I'm responsible.

I want us to work but he's making me hate life.


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Jun 01, 2013
My plan NEW
by: Anonymous

I have a plan for me and the kids ....pension retirement college $ for the kids.
Accidents.....I didn't reveal my high stress career....either way....what's the big deal???? His actions are aiding in my distrust in him. His lack of responsibility makes me resent him.
Seems to me he's immature and refuses to take responsibility for his actions.

I know what I should's tough...I love him..... I just needed a place to vent!!!!

May 06, 2013
mmmmm NEW
by: Anonymous

I give up? What are your plans? Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Do you have life Insurance and your own bank acct.? What precautions have you taken in the case of an accident? do you have accidental insurance coverage?

Purpose for all the questions?
Well, while your spending all your time being frustrated you might have an accident, it is not safe to drive angry or even a fall at home can put you in the hospital...when we are angry most of the time we overlook things because our minds are on something else and we create our own injuries. If he is being constantly on the phone and driving he is eventually going to have an accident and with you mad at him while he is on the road he is not going to be focused and could quite possibly get in an accident and die of injuries...

Something to think about?

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