Trucker Husband is Texting Other Women on the Road

I often find my husband texting different women in cities near or where he is driving. The amount of websites and how easy to have access any time or day.

Yet he plays the part of a loving truck driver husband. Even sits on the phone with me and texting these women.

Trucker’s wife Is not a life I like anymore.

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Oct 31, 2023
Not just texting NEW
by: Anonymous

I can almost 100% guarantee you he's not JUST texting them.

Jun 29, 2023
Get In Counseling ASAP
by: The Crazy Trucker

I'm so sorry you're dealing with this behavior, especially from your husband!

It's the dark side of social media and technology combined with lack of intentional study of personal development.

I don't know how you are knowing what and who's he's texting but you really have to confront him about his habits and behavior.

You also need to insist that yall get marriage counseling to discuss these things. I feel like you have to be willing to leave if he doesn't agree to counseling and changing.

Easy for me to say. And I say it assuming that it makes you miserable and without knowing anything else about your situation.

Cause if this is happening how does it end?
And it can very well be an addiction that escalates to varying degrees.

He must be confronted and told that you won't tolerate that behavior if you want change.

(I changed some of the words in your post because it influences the search engine to assume this website is about something it is not rather than trucking life)

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