Trucker Husband Has Became So Afraid Of Getting Into Accident

by Liv

Hello! My husband & I have been married 5 years and he has been driving a truck for the last 2 yrs. He hasn't been in any accidents so far but he has became so scared he will do something and lose his job, our new house.... everything we have.

Seems like car drivers are so reckless around him lately. From pulling out infront of him to cutting him completely off. Please tell me how I can help him, we are both so scared. I am so afraid he may be in a fatal wreck, I can't stand the thought of something happening to him =( please help us.

Thank you.

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Jun 15, 2015
Advice from a Dispatcher NEW
by: Anonymous

There are several defensive driving programs available to truck drivers. He should look into Smith System Training and JJ Keller's website. He should also see what his own company has available.

The most important thing is to calm down and focus on what you are doing. If he needs someone to ride with him he could try that. Maybe a driver trainer with is company or a retiree from trucking that he gets alone with.

This part is for you alone. Most likely if he is freaking out every time he gets behind the wheel then chances are he will have an accident. You both might want to look at what else he is qualified to do. And what you can be doing to help keep your home.

Jan 27, 2015
sorry NEW
by: Anonymous

well, I believe your husband and how he sees auto drivers are going crazy and like they are the only one on the road. Like the road only belongs to them. I am constantly saying to myself, is where are all these people getting their license from???? And I am not a truck driver! However, my husband is. He has been on the road for 25 years and has no accidents if this helps any to know?? Let your husband vent all he needs when he is upset about these people, helps to get it out, and they dont keep it bottled up. It doesn't hurt to listen to it all cause it doesn't have anything to do with you. It may sound like the same thing over and over but this is what they have to deal with on a daily basis. He will adjust to most changes that take place out there and learn to deal with things better in time. Tell him to stay positive and positive happens. Just the same if he stays in the negative well negative things happen as well. good luck

Jan 27, 2015
life happens... NEW
by: Anonymous

Tell him to kewp a good buffer(space) around all sides od his truck.

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