Truck owner repossessed truck with drivers personal items in it

by kevin
(atlanta, GA)

My trucks owner came from NJ to GA to take his truck back, he stated that he thought I had quit. My belongings are still in the truck as I did NOT quit I was on home leave at a funeral. The truck owner took my personnel items back to NJ, crossing state lines with my stuff when he could have called me in GA to drive the 5 miles to empty it out.

Each time I call the owner he says he will return them or they are in route to GA now or some other story. He refuses to give me my pay or personal stuff, what can I do?

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Jul 06, 2016
How does that happen?
by: Hervy

If there are no other details missing from this story, make sure you have proof of the communication between you and owner stating stuff is on the way. After the time it takes for stuff to come.

I would suggest talking to a lawyer if there is stuff of enough value to warrant small claims court.

My question is how are you home on leave for a funeral and the boss not know?

Well you said owner, not boss. So I don't really know what type of situation yous guys had going on.

Also, you said, he thought you had quit. Is that an interchange you had with him while he was there getting the truck or after the fact?

I believe you need to tell a lawyer the entire story. See what he/she says about it. You need legal advice.

Hope everything works out and you can get your stuff though.

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