Truck Insurance for 74 year old

My step dad is 74 and has pretty much been an O/O all is life whether he has been local or OTR. He has not been OTR since April 2012 when he sold his truck but, has been running local for someone else. He now wants to get back into it again and run 3 or 4 surrounding states.

He called his Insurance Company that he always had and they told him that since he has not been actively OTR for 3 years they can not insure him. Has anyone else heard of this before?

Also, would anyone know of a decent insurance company that I could contact for him?

Thank you in advance for your help.

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Apr 25, 2015
Ins 74 NEW
by: TruckerYitz

What state are you in?

Did you try ooida??

Ooida doesn't do ny so I had to look elsewhere, ooida gave me list of local providers.

I found better though.

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