Transferring German CDL to Texas

by Walter

I'm a U.S. citizen Ex-Dept. of Defense employee. My job was Motor Vehicle operator
for 7yrs. driving and delivering US mail to local APO's in Germany and the Benelux. Now
that I've been laid off . I want to come back to the US and drive for Distribution Solutions. Which is located in the state of Texas. Being that I have both a military and
German CDL I wanted to know if it is possible to tansfer my German cdl to a stateside
Texas cdl without testing?

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Apr 19, 2016
Any luck with the license transfer? NEW
by: Stephen

Hi Walter,
I wanted to know if you had any luck getting your license here in Texas? My cousin who is a German citizen and owns a transport company would like to move here and I am trying to help him. I would appreciate any help or wisdom you can share.
Thank you

Mar 19, 2014
Unlikely NEW
by: Anonymous

The main purpose for the testing is to see if you know the current laws, not to see if you can drive. The DOT laws are constantly evolving and have changed many times just in the last 3 years. Hell I've met many drivers that still don't know that it's illegal to talk on your hand held cell phone while driving! You are required to use a headset or you can sign up for a big fat ticket! And that's just a drop in the bucket.

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