Tired and don't know what to do!!!

by Chellie chelle
(England ark)

I'm a truckers wife my husband been on the road bout 2 yrs it ain't easy. I'm trying my best to keep it together all I do is work and home getting old. when I do go enjoy myself I'm cheating and and everything in the boom. I love dis man been together 11yrs but its draining tiredsome and my head hurts trying to figure dis out and when he comes its not like a honeymoon its pure hell need help on this one

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Jul 16, 2015
Get a Shot Of Energy! NEW
by: Anonymous

You know there is the option of you getting your CDL license and going out on the road with him as a CO driver. A lot of money to be made driving teams. A lot of married couples do this and all the money goes in the same pot! Good Luck!

Jul 13, 2015
reply NEW
by: christopher

It is better to go counseling person, they can give you some guidance for you.
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Jul 11, 2015
Tired, don't know what todo... NEW
by: Anonymous

From what you have said it sounds like a situation that is going to require some kind of professional counseling for yourself. If you have attended a church, it could be a minister that has a counseling certificate, I know some people rather talk to a minister than a psychologist. Maybe the county that you live in has free or low-cost counseling services. It seems you need more help than advice that would come through a site like this. God bless and hope you seek some professional guidance.

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