Thinking of becoming a trucker's wife

So me and my husband have been married for a little over 4 years and have been together for 8. I have a 12 year old from a previous relationship and then we have a 6 yr old and an 18 month old together.

Two years ago we moved from Arizona to Iowa due to the schools and the heat. I have my dad who lives here in Iowa but nobody else. I have found a job that I really love and my kids like the schools here better. However, my husband is MISERABLE! He HATES it here. We haven't been able to find any friends here and honestly if it weren't for my job and church and schools then I would want to move back home ASAP.

To make a long story short, we have been thinking of having him start a OTR trucking career so that we can have a good financial future for our kids.

If we decided to do this then we would be moving back to AZ because I don't think I would have a good support system here with no friends and really nothing to do.

My biggest concern is not having him around. I LOVE him so much and we have rarely been apart since we've been together. Is the time he will miss away from us really worth the potential earnings. I am having an internal battle with myself thinking what good is the money if he isn't here to enjoy it with us!

Someone please give me some good advise on how to make this decision!

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Sep 29, 2014
think NEW
by: Anonymous

think before you leap. thats the key. if you agree with this job change then you will have to stick it out no matter what your mind says later on down the road. if you disagree with it then it saves you from having to deal with it.

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