the trucking lifestyle is not easy!

by Ronda
(St. Louis, MO )

My hubby is a work horse-- trucking is in his blood he can't help it. The money is good but its not easy was recently gone for 8 days had his 34hrs off then back on the road. Now -he will be home any minute and has to leave tomorrow --cause the freight has to go!

I love and respect my husband so much and we are very blessed and I do my best to make things perfect when he's home--its taken me a bit to really realize how to make it easier for him when he wants to be home.

I am actually doing a home budget -which makes him happy he doesn't have to worry about bills -well when they are due I handle all that and also try to have him a nice meal ready when he gets home.

Our friends are starting realize our life style is completely different than theirs. Our time is precious when he is home so if we want to stay home watch movies and eat popcorn that is what we do!

ITs a hard life and so difficult to plan but hard work pays off! We love and trust one another!


I suggest that every wife go out there with you husband and see how hard it really is -its whole different lifestyle! Love one another trust one another and be respectful!

You can be happy married to a trucker!

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Apr 10, 2011
wife on the life
by: Hervy

What a great post Rhonda

I am sure you will give some other couples something to strive for in their relationships. Thanks for posting the realities but also the and potential of the relationship living the trucking life.

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