Thank You for All Your Support

by Rusty Martin Jr
(Sugar Grove, Pa)

I want to thank everyone who posted a comment on my other two posts about getting denied training. I received a call yesterday from TMC out of St.Louis Mo, and they have accepted me to their training facility.

I am due to start my first class, Monday November,9th. They gave me an option on which company I would like to drive for as more than one are trying to pick me up. Either Werner,Covenant or Swift. I have to wait until I get there to decide cause they will have the information waiting for me there from each company. I read all their information and then choose one within the first week.

Thank god someone finally chose to accept me.

Again thank you to all who showed their support by commenting my other posts. I can't wait to get the St.Louis.

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Nov 01, 2009
Congratulations, Rusty
by: Robin

Great! So glad for you, Rusty! My husband had a hard time getting hired out of training and finally opted for Swift.

Swift has a 6 week "mentor" period...You have a 3 day orientation at the closest terminal, then 42 days on the road, with NO home time! You ride with a mentor during that time. It's good and bad.

My husband said he was lucky he got along with his mentor. Sometimes drivers end up getting reassigned. The first 2 weeks you don't drive, just ride....then, depending on your mentor they start showing you stuff, then, the last 2 weeks you should be driving all the time.

A buddy of his in truck-driving school went with Werner. He had to go to Nebraska to train. He had a mentor period of 8 weeks, I believe. He seems happy with his choice, and my husband's doing fine with his as well.

With Swift he HAS to be gone a minimum of 14 days, now.

Just some background information, in case you're looking for something specific!

Good luck to you, keep us posted! - Robin

Nov 01, 2009
Thank You Again
by: Rusty

Thank you all again for all your graceful comments. I'm am looking forward to getting going and become the best I can be out there.
Thank you everyone for your support and your ideas. Without your guys' opinions and gestures I probably would have given up already cause of being declined 3 times to start.

I kept pushin on and got one. Long nights are ahead of me as I have a whole new states CDL manual to read. I have gone through 3 states already (PA,UT, and IN). Now I have the Missouri one to get down in a week. God Bless all of you and I hope to see ya on the road some day.

Will try to keep everyone updated as to how it is going, if the school has internet access for me to get on. Thank you again and best wishes to you all.

Oct 31, 2009
Rusty is standing tall.
by: Jimmy

OK, for the next month or so, stay focused on training/learning. You will feel overwhelmed at times, but just take it slow and easy. Keep us posted. Jimmy

Oct 31, 2009
Way to go.
by: Anonymous

In my opinion, I would sign on with TMC. A very good company, with a good reutation. Enjoy the road and God Bless.

Oct 31, 2009
Moving Forward
by: Anonymous

Great to hear things are looking up. I would like to caution you, do not be pressured into lease purchase.

MANY drivers have had to give their trucks back in the last couple years due to the slowing of the economy. If the wheels aint turning no money you be makin...Werner I believe has lease purchase.

Also some companies want you to drive team. Well if you don't mind living with a stranger and sharing your tiny little space I guess it's okay but if one of you is a non smoker and the other is it could get tricky and if one of you is a neat freak and the other is not so much of one there could be issues.

If you have certain core values that maybe someone else doesn't it could cause some real tension so just some things to think about.

The open road is like a seductress, once you have been captivated nothing else matters. God bless you on your journey.

Oct 31, 2009
Rusty gets accepted for truck driver training at TMC
by: Hervy

Congratulations man. I heard TMC was a pretty good outfit. In fact just talked to a driver last week.

However, he said flat bed was what he liked best over there wasn't too thrilled about running with the other divisions. He probably just had a bad dispatcher though.

Make sure you tell the dispatcher that you are aware of the need to be on time for pick up and deliveries and that you know look forward to being an asset to the company with your job performance. Also that you plan to make TMC happy they hired you.

At the same time, let him know you hope your relationship with him and the company, is one that you can brag about and not end up as some of the horror stories you have heard about.

That will start your relationship off with him in the right direction.

Hope everything goes smooth. See you on the road,

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