Terminated after bac of 0.02 do I have to see an sap before I can drive for another company

Fired after a bac over 0.02 company offered no return to duty test or sap can I drive for another company without seeing sap

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Nov 04, 2015
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Oct 15, 2015
Education NEW
by: Terri H. McAdams

Ah! 0.02is a so less difference. It's a really bad luck. But don't worry it's so much minor I guess you'll be hired by another company soon. The thing is, in rusheessays essay services, transporters such as truckers and drivers are also an upcoming topic of discussion. In which their problems and issues are discussed in so much detail. You can get so much information there.

Sep 26, 2015
You have to be an angel today NEW
by: Anonymous

you can still get hired by another company... or maybe an OO who has two trucks.

Its the insurance companies that wont give any breaks

Regardless of the SAP.... everyones gonna be scared of you. The cost of a loss, especially the loss of life if you were involved in a fatality could shut a company down, especially if they know {and now EVERYONE knows} about this incident.

A company will find a million reasons not to hire you.

If you were involved in an accident after a rehire and the knowledge of this incident, even if you had absolutely NO FAULT in the incident, a good attorney will jump on your old records and dig so deep you'd wish you were an angel.

I hope you get my meaning. I was in Safety and Compliance for over seven years with a company who now had nearly two thousand trucks.

A lesson to all. You want to be a class A driver? Dont drink.

Find another way to fulfill your needs.

When it boils right down to the nitty gritty, its really a case of ZERO tolerance today.... ask any insurance agent employed by a trucking company.

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